It is with great pleasure that I inform our website readers and supporters that the hospital's construction has begun!

As a first step, we purchased a container that was placed on the construction site.

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The container has been bought from the grant received from the Summa Artium whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged.

We have organised the constant guarding the construction site and have built a temporary fence around it.

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A shielding roof has been placed over the container and next to it a drink water tank. The container was soon filled up with cement, ladders, wheelbarrows, a fuel tank...

The materials required for the foundation - stone, gravel, sand, cement - were unloaded on the site.


We are planning a two metre deep base to ensure the stability of the building, in order that it can withstand the huge tropical rains.

Brother Richard is away in Lusambo; I hope that on his return he will send us more recent photos pf the construction.

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Brother Richard left yesterday for a two-week missionary journey to Bena-Dibele. Prior to it he sent the following photos of the construction's progress.

Brother Richard returned from his Lusambo mission, and has sent further pictures of the new construction project under way. The foundations of the first building, the Reception, are being laid.

The donation by János Béres and the Hungarian EPK (Agape Pentecostal Church) was a great help in commencing the construction, and we would like to take this opportunity once again to express our gratitude.


Thanks also for the support of all those who have indicated that the transfer was meant for "hospital construction". These donations are being handled separately and will be sent to the Congo during 2015.

May, 2015.